Dig for victory

Posted by joelle on Tuesday, June 24th, 2008

This weekend I cycled down to St James Park and visited the Dig for Victory allotment set up by Imperial War Museum. It’s set up for people to learn about British families grew their own fruit and veg to overcome food shortages during the war, and to encourage people today to do the same. I came away with some handy tips on how to keep the snails out of my plant pots (copper wire or egg shells), and encouraged to get some tomatoes planted in the front garden.

It’s easy to think of the current efforts of people to save resources, eat organic food and recycle waste as something new, but it seems back in the 40s we were doing an even better job of it. A bit of wartime spirit and make do and mend could come in handy today, reminding us that sustainability, efficiency and eating well don’t have to be a costly luxury but could actually save us money. And home grown veg are much more interesting than the supermarket ones. Purple carrots!

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