The Vegan Monologues

Posted by louise on Wednesday, January 7th, 2009

There’s been a bit of a backlash towards new years resolutions this year, but in my view Jan 1st is the perfect time to start afresh and take up / give up whatever’s been bugging you over recent months. For me it’s been a persistent mooing from those poor male calves who are slaughtered at birth due to the dairy industry, and I’m still flinching at last January’s Ch4 food season when Jamie gassed the baby chicks. But I realise that we’re all about sustainability, and whilst I believe there’s a moral reason to be vegan, perhaps the environmental reason is more convincing for some.

So, I’m going to be writing a weekly blog outlining the facts around veganism and sustainability, and will also update you on how I’m coping with my new year’s vegan diet. Current cravings are for milk chocolate, fresh pasta and brie. But my favourite discovery so far is that a regular veggie roast dinner is vegan, including normal Bisto gravy granules – and you can still have bubble & squeak the next day.

Today’s vegan sustainabilty fact is one of the most basic: providing grain for animals to eat, and then eating animals, is far less efficient than just eating the grains directly. A vegan diet uses less than a quarter of the land required for a meat-based diet, as the crops are fed directly to humans. According to Animal Aid, if Britain went vegan, less than a quarter of the current farmland would be needed.

More vegan facts coming soon.

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